Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Ultimate And Easy Debt Guide


Most people today have some form of debt, but having debt, and having a debt problem is completely different. Being able to manage debt means that you are able to meet your everyday commitments financially and you are in control of any outstanding debts.

If you do not fall into this category then you will most certainly be looking for advice on debt solution.Everybody's debt problem is individual, as is their income, age and situation. The main thing you need to focus on is your OWN debt problem.So, where do you start?Well, the first step is identifying the root cause of the debt.

Simple Guide to Negotiating Credit Card Debt Yourself

Make a list of the things that sold you down the debt river. Take charge emotionally and make a pact with yourself to STOP spending any more on these items you have listed. At least you will stabilize the debt you have and not add to it.The next step is to stop burying your head in the sand and take control of your debt.

Get together every bill, statement and any outstanding loan information that you have and add it all up. (Chances are, you will be shocked at the overall amount, but don't despair, carry on). See it as a challenge, you can do this!Is your problem manageable without the need for debt consolidation?

How To Get Out Of Debt Quick! 7 Debt Tips To Avoid Bankruptcy!

The way to decide this will be based upon the amount of debt you have, the amount you need to pay your lenders every month and your monthly income.If your debt payments far outway your income, then a debt consolidation loan may be the only way forward.

However, if it is the case that you are able to manage your debt payments and still run your other financial obligations, then I would advise against a debt consolidation loan.The reason I say this is because even though this type of loan would initially free up some revenue for you, the costs long term are deemed to be much higher and the loan period much longer.

The other factor being, you will not have learned the strategy and felt the pain of getting yourself out of debt and therefore the temptation of overspending will always be with you. This will also add more weight to your initial debt problem.

Free Debt Consolidation Quote

There are many debt problem solutions and there are companies and organisations out there to help you. Many of these are non profit making, so won't cost you a dime. This is often a good first port of call, especially if you are overwhelmed by the amount your debt problem.

Don't panic and rush straight into a debt consolidation loan, take a step back, seek advice and try and sort out your debt problems yourself first. You will become a much stronger, prouder and happier person if you do. Trust me, I know!
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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Student Loan Debt

The percentage of people who are getting behind and defaulting on the repayments of
their student loans has been steadily increasing over recent years. It can be very difficult when you finally graduate and find that you owe thousands of dollars in student loan debt and the job that you have isn't paying quite enough to cover all your living expenses and the payments required on your loan.

Many students get into difficulty paying back their loans and they begin their working career with bad credit due to defaulting on their loan. You don't want this to happen and you will need to factor into your budget the repayments of the loan.

While payment is due once you graduate or stop with your education there is often a grace period of 6 to 9 months after that date, depending on the type of loan that you have. The first thing you will need to do if you are having problems paying is to determine what type of loan you have and what options are available to you.

This grace period will give you time to find a job to help make the payments.

With some loans you will begin to make interest payments immediately whereas others will allow you to pay the interest over the term of the repayments or at the end of the repayment of the actual loan.

This is why it is important for you to find out what type of loan you have and what options are available to you to help with your financial planning and make sure that you don't default on the loan repayments.

If you do default on the loan there are various consequences that you need to be aware of.The full amount of the debt could be called up for repayment in total or it could be turned over to a debt collection agency.

You could incur additional late fees and collection fees and your credit history will be damaged.

There are many more areas that will impact on your life so it is wise to work through any issue with your lending advisor and do so with the assistance of the budget that you will have already prepared. They might be able to arrange a consolidation of debt that you help you pay off your loans at a lower interest rate thereby reducing your overall payments that need to be made each month.

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Friday, September 25, 2009

Debt Management Plans

It is crucial that consumers are aware of the options that exist to help them resolve their debts and improve their financial situation. Some consumers seek debt management plans while other may seek individual voluntary arrangements (IVA) or even bankruptcy. Debt management plans differ from IVAs and bankruptcy declarations in that they are not bound by a legal authority.

>Many debtors prefer to seek a debt management plan first as it often allowsthem more freedom. With a debt management plan, consumers closely inspect both their incomes, expenses and any debts they have incurred. With the help of a counselor, negotiations are made with creditors to seek both lower interest rates and a reasonable payment for the consumer. Sometimes creditors even will agree to waive interest payments in their entirety.

Once an agreement is reached and a plan drawn up, consumers only need to make one monthly payment to the counselor who then oversees the plan’s execution. The counselor pays the creditors out of the monthly payment. Many find this another advantage of a debt management plan, only making one payment to one person each month.

If considering a debt management plan, it would be prudent to search around to compare fees prior to settling on a firm with which to deal. Another point to investigate would be your ability to terminate the service of the debt management counselor if you choose. Some firms require contracts and even deposits to be made initially. If required to make a deposit, check to see if this deposit is refundableupon termination of services.

Some consumers find that a debt management plan may tie them to their debts for the remainder of their life. This is especially true is a person has amassed a tremendous amount of debt and is only able to afford a small payment each month. When seeking resolution for financial woes, it is imperative that consumers be their own detectives and figure out what works best for them.

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Settle Credit Card Debts On Your Own

With our rise in economy and retrenchment, many are falling into debts with others and with their credit card companies. Once you own a plastic card of your own, you would tend to swipe it more times you can afford and not realize it until your credit statements comes.When you realize you're in debt, you'd get scared and feel misdirected and lost. And more often than not, you would turn to a credit counselor or a debt consolidation company for help.

But why would you want to pay even more money to settle your debts when you're already financially troubled? The most they can do for you is lower your interest rates but they can't reduce the balance you owe, so why not try settling your own dues and debts and save the amount you would have spent on their fees. To settle your credit card debts, you would need good communication skills.

This wouldn't be a problem for many, but make sure that when dealing over the phone or in person, you remain calm and polite at all times and show no signs of anger at all. Good manners can take you far, so start with that.

Then, learn to negotiate as well. If your credit company finds that you really cannot afford to give back all that you have used and you do not own any assets, they would be willing to come to an agreement of some kind. So try negotiating and ask for a lower interest rate.

Once again, remember to be polite and speak decently without being demanding or pushy. You would also have to realize that true negotiating skills involve some give and take so don't stand your ground too much demanding what you want.

Also, always perform follow ups with any letters, calls or emails. It would help if you document all information such as the person you spoke with, at what time and on what day. If they said they would get back to you, make sure you make the effort to follow up with the call and do your part in whatever that is required.

To sum it up, you can settle your own debts, just stay organized and always be well mannered and you would not only get yourself out of debt, you would also have saved yourself that sum of money spent on your consolidator.

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Friday, August 14, 2009

Debt Consolidation Loans

Debt consolidation loan is used to consolidate your other debts. Let us say you are currently bonded to 3 other debts, namely car loan, house loan and credit card loan, you can take a debt consolidation loan to pay off all the 3 debts. Take note that this loan does not directly reduce your loans. Instead, it consolidates them so that you can have better financial planning. With this, you can re-structure your financial situation so that it enables you to achieve your goals. This article tells you the advantages of taking such loans.


1) Low rates:

Since debt consolidation loan has lower interest, it is beneficial to use it to clear other loans with higher interest. It is as if you are now paying less for you previous loan yet you are still able to pay all your loans off.

2) Fixed interest rate:

Fixed interest rate is crucial for a long term financial planning. When it is fixed, your future financial situation is more predictable. While the interest rate of your other loans might be changing, you can now finance them with the one with fixed interest rate.

3) Convenience:

If you are a workaholic who is having more than 5 loans, repaying and keeping them up can be a hectic task. Therefore, with debt consolidation loan, you are now only need to make one payment at a time. Accidental mixed payments can easily be avoided.

Despite all the advantages it gives, there are people who against debt consolidation loan. This is because it does not reduce your debts. What it gives is solely the convenience of organization. Also for some, you may need to take a relatively longer time to clear the debt.
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