The Ultimate And Easy Debt Guide
Most people today have some form of debt, but having debt, and having a debt problem is completely different. Being able to manage debt means that you are able to meet your everyday commitments financially and you are in control of any outstanding debts.
If you do not fall into this category then you will most certainly be looking for advice on debt solution.Everybody's debt problem is individual, as is their income, age and situation. The main thing you need to focus on is your OWN debt problem.So, where do you start?Well, the first step is identifying the root cause of the debt.
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Make a list of the things that sold you down the debt river. Take charge emotionally and make a pact with yourself to STOP spending any more on these items you have listed. At least you will stabilize the debt you have and not add to it.The next step is to stop burying your head in the sand and take control of your debt.
Get together every bill, statement and any outstanding loan information that you have and add it all up. (Chances are, you will be shocked at the overall amount, but don't despair, carry on). See it as a challenge, you can do this!Is your problem manageable without the need for debt consolidation?
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The way to decide this will be based upon the amount of debt you have, the amount you need to pay your lenders every month and your monthly income.If your debt payments far outway your income, then a debt consolidation loan may be the only way forward.
However, if it is the case that you are able to manage your debt payments and still run your other financial obligations, then I would advise against a debt consolidation loan.The reason I say this is because even though this type of loan would initially free up some revenue for you, the costs long term are deemed to be much higher and the loan period much longer.
The other factor being, you will not have learned the strategy and felt the pain of getting yourself out of debt and therefore the temptation of overspending will always be with you. This will also add more weight to your initial debt problem.
Free Debt Consolidation Quote
There are many debt problem solutions and there are companies and organisations out there to help you. Many of these are non profit making, so won't cost you a dime. This is often a good first port of call, especially if you are overwhelmed by the amount your debt problem.
Don't panic and rush straight into a debt consolidation loan, take a step back, seek advice and try and sort out your debt problems yourself first. You will become a much stronger, prouder and happier person if you do. Trust me, I know!