Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sorting Your Business Debts Out Is Imperative

By Kenneth smith

Business debts are also called liabilities, for the purpose that the business is liable to whomever they received the credit from. Debt may be established by making purchases of equipment or supplies. It may also be because of an issuance of notes or bonds to private or public investors or a loan. Sorting out one's business debts is essential for the continued growth of any company.

Liabilities are usually categorized as either current or long-term based upon the final due date for paying it off. If that date is within either the existing accounting period or one year, then the debt is said to be current. Anytime after this and the liability is called long-term. Those obligations with more recent pay off dates pose a greater threat to the liquidity of the company.

Once this has been sorted, the type of debt that has been incurred must be examined. It can be a result of overspending, whereby the vendors may not want to extend credit again. It can also be a result of having issued debt to increase the flow of capital to the organization. Or, it may be due to a loan that was taken out to start or grow the business and lack of payment may cause the interest rate to rise.

If a company owes because it has overspent it has several means by which to overcome the liability and find the money to pay what is necessary at the present time. It can take out a loan to cover the expenditures, firstly. If this is not suitable, it can increase sales and production, so long as this is possible and does not require more debt. Finally, if it has the means it may be able to issue a public or private debt offering. This is usually not feasible for the small, nonpublic organization.

Also, after the debts begin to be paid off, it is important to monitor spending, decreasing where possible. Overhead costs and unnecessary expenses often lead to business debt that forces a company into a tough financial situation. It is imperative to keep an eye on costs.

When a business takes out a loan and repayment begins, the extra outflow of cash may create a shortfall that follows. With new and start-up businesses, it may be possible to refinance the loan with a lower interest rate as long as payments have been made as stipulated. These types of companies must first establish their credit before receiving a reduced rate.

If initial payments for a loan have not begun, some lending institutions may be willing to extend the time until the first payment is due. This usually does not come at a cheap price, however. Interest will continue to be charged on the principal, or full amount borrowed, during this time period.

Debt instruments that are issued to investors must be paid off on the maturity date of the bond or note. When the maturity date begins to near, some companies will issue more debt to cover the outflow of cash that is needed. Others will offer an exchange for stock, so as to retain as much of the capital in the organization as possible.

Sorting out business debts is imperative to any business that wishes to continue growth and operations. If cash in not on hand to afford operating expenses and current liabilities that are coming due, the business may not be able to stay open. It is extremely important that these be closely watched for this reason.

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