Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Debt Dispute Letter

By Allan Henry

Often alleged debt must be disputed to ensure that you, as the consumer, is being treated fairly. The best way to do this is with a debt dispute letter. The two most common types of debt dispute letters are debt validation letters and debt verification letters. Both are commonly used but serve different purposes. To ensure your dispute is effective you need to find out how and when you should make your dispute.

The first steps you can make toward becoming completely free of debt is to send out debt dispute letters. The letter that I find is most effective is the debt validation letter. I encourage all of my readers and clients to use these letters in an effort to eliminate debt completely. I am not talking about settling for 50 or 60%. I am talking complete debt elimination. This is what true freedom from creditors is.

Learning how to send debt dispute letters in an effective way is extremely important. Some people think that by sending any type of letter disputing debt that that they will then be protected from unwarranted collection attempts. This is not true. Just like most things in life, how you argue is more important than what you are arguing about, so learn how to argue or dispute effectively!

So what is the best way to effectively send a debt dispute letter? The answer is simple send debt validation letters! In the majority of cases when a consumer talks about debt dispute letters they are really talking about debt validation letters. All of Plan B's websites and especially are dedicated to teaching you how to become an expert at writing and sending debt validation letters.

Do not procrastinate sending debt dispute letters to your creditor or debt collector. Doing so will gradually decrease the effect that these letters can have on your credit card debt situation. I recommend sending a debt validation letter to your creditor or debt collector within a few days after you begin to receive collection notices. Sending a debt validation letter forces your creditor or debt collector to validate your account before the attempt any other collection efforts.

From all of the knowledge and expertise that I have gained in the credit card debt collection industry, one things has stood apart from the rest, the effective use of debt dispute letters. Do not miss the protection that can and is offered through sending debt dispute letters; it can save you tens of thousands of dollars.

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